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How to Delete company in Tally ERP.9

  • I am assuming you are at the Gateway of Tally in any one of your companies.
    • Press ALT+F3 from Gateway of Tally. That will take you to Company Info. menu.

    • Now you will see Company Info. Menu. Select Alter from the menu or simply press A

    Pressing A is a shortcut.

    • Now, you will see a list of companies which are present in your Tally on your computer. Select the one which you want to delete and press Enter.

    • You will see a Company Alteration screen. It is just like the screen when you first created a company.

    A quick note: If you want to edit something like Name, address or other details, you forgot or you typed in wrong while creating a company, you can do it here.
    • Now, here comes the main and the last step which is deleting a company.
    • Press ALT+D.
    • Tally will ask you YES or NO for your confirmation.
    • Press Enter and it will ask you one more time. Are you Sure?
    • Press Enter and your company will get deleted instantly.
    This is how you can delete a company in Tally. The process is simple and easy but the lack of display of an option makes it difficult to understand it and find it.
    Have you ever wanted to delete a company in Tally and Why? Answer it in comments and let me know.



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