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Social Media Marketing

What Is Social Media Marketing? 

Social Media Marketing is the process of gaining website traffic or attention through social media sites. Social media marketing programs usually center on efforts to create content that attracts attention and encourages readers to share it across their social networks.

Scope of Social media marketing

Social Media Marketing has a huge scope in India. As rightly pointed out by earlier user,  Facebook has more than 20 million Indians. Consider that English new dailies have just around 18+ million Indians and garner 27% of Indian advertising budget. There is a huge scope of growth for digital marketing (e.g., social media marketing). 

Most of the youth-focused brands already have an active social media presence. But the trend might not have caught the brands targeting other age segments. I believe the key thing that is missing in the ecosystem is the lack of a blueprint for Indian companies  w.r.t social media marketing



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